
January 14, 2017
Novel Paradigms in Medicine and New Year's Resolutions

Христос Рождається! Christ is Born!

Happy New Year, dear Brothers .....
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January 03, 2016
title goes here
content goes here .....
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January 01, 2016
2016 New Year's Resolutions and Optimal Health

Beloved in Christ!

Our Lord Jesus Christ at the beginning of His public ministry made a very powerful statement:  “I came that they may have and .....
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January 01, 2016
2016 New Year's Resolutions and Optimal Health


Beloved in Christ!

Our Lord Jesus Christ at the beginning of His public ministry made a very powerful statement:  “I came that they may have Читайте далі >>>

April 16, 2015
title goes here
content goes here .....
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January 10, 2015
New Year's Resolution and Personal Ethics

Beloved in Christ!


Happy New Year!

As we embark on a new year, many of us will set .....
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March 16, 2013
Spiritual Reflection on Taras Shevchenko

‘І мене в сім’ї великій,  в сім’ї вольній новій , не забудьте пом’янути не злим тихим словом…..”

Дорогі брати і сестри,

Кожна людина яка приходить на світ має питоме покликання та місію. Одні покликані впливати на родину, чи спільноту, .....
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December 22, 2012
Christmas greeting


У цей благодатний час Різдва Христового сердечно вітаю кожного із Вас з цим святом надії, яке пригадує нам про велику подію, яка започаткувала нову еру, а саме народження .....
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October 26, 2012
Question 2: Prescribing Medication to End Life.

As you know, Tuesday, November 6th, 2012, we citizens will have an opportunity to exercise our legal right to vote. In addition to casting our vote for president, we, Massachusetts residents, will also vote on the controversial Ballot “Question 2: “Prescribing Medication to End Life. “ As your pastor, I would like for you to consider our Catholic faith’s teachings when you make your decision on this particular issue. Please be aware that voting “yes” .....
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